It’s always with the updates…..

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Hi people!

I have finished uploading the Interview I shot with the off grid family – get it Here.

I have also re-organised the Kit section of the site, after working out how to sort out sub pages

And also re-uploaded the conspiracy theory show, as the streaming on the first upload was borked. Get it Here.

as always, comments and feedback appreciated.

Wild camp

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Well, I’m off a-wild camping today (after a long night shift). Thee weather looks like it might be OK, but I haven’t been out for a long while. I’m also going to try to get an interview with J from the off-grid family that I know that lives near to the site where I’m going. This will be my first night sleeping in my hammock – hope it goes well.

I’ll also try to shoot some footage of my set up, while I’m there for a future ‘combat short’

Wish me luck….

More updates!

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I have just added some more updates/pages and nested a few pages. The digital kit page can now be found on a link on the ‘kit’ page, and I have added a new page devoted to free / cheap bits of camping kit that is also reachable from the new links on the kit page.

The allotment diary has also been updated. And a link to Red Octagon Studios has been added – There issome truly great footage on Red Octagon TV – go check it out, if you haven’t already!

Now if only I can upload some photos…….

General update

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Have added the first entry into the allotment / gardening section


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I have added new pages on wild camping, contacting us/IRC access and a new allotment diary to the site – as always comments and suggestions welcome.

R4nger5 Meet!

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phot0050We’re back from the r4nger5 meet!

The weather was atrocious, but we had a great turnout, and people had a lot of fun (in spite of, rather than beacause of the weather) we had good conversation, adventures and even found a new site (on government land) for wild camping.

So thanks to Jonathan, Kevin, Chipko, Exile, APIPA, Gedonia and Sloe for coming along, and, if they ever read this, J and D for being excellent and interesting guests (and for the numerous cups of coffee over several cold mornings).

We sat round campfires, chatted, made things, built stuff, ran around in the woods , went for cooked breakfasts at a nearby cafe etc – all in all a good time was had. Hopefully it will be even better in the warmer months, as we experienced rain, wind, sleet, snow and frost (as well as a sprinkling of sunshine) over the four days.

Hopefully everyone will come again and more people will come to the next one.

If anyone has a good idea for a site for a meet up, please let us know – ideally, there should be woods and campfires should be allowed.


A productive day!

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I have spent most of today finishing(starting) a load of r4nger5 projects.

Finally, the R4nger5 Campaign Log is in the can, the .pdf file created and a short run of copies printed off. These will be given out, while stocks last, at the March R4nger5 meet. After we get back, the .pdf file will be available upon request, and you will be added to the mailing list. hopefully these will be coming out quarterly. We already need submissions for the June edition, so get cracking!

Also, at Kevin’s request, I have uploaded episode zero of R4nger5 radio – It’s really rubbish, but it was interesting to see how things really do get better over time. It was recorded enirely on the fly on a £1 microphone on a crappy laptop.

Episode 55 of r4nger5 radio has been prepped and planned out. The PDF of the running order has been sent out. If you want to be on the mailing list for that, let us know.

That is all.